Artificial Intelligence
- RocketAI
- Jasper
- ChatGPT
- More
- FireFox
- UR Browser
- BitBrowser
- More
8GB of RAM
We recommend it for casual computer users. If your usage includes internet browsing, email, and office programs.
16GB of RAM
We recommend it for several programs open and running simultaneously. and standard business professionals.
32GB of RAM
We recommend it for engineers, scientists, and entry-level multimedia users.
64GB of RAM
We recommended it for 8K photo or video editing software.
Useful Tools
- FireFox
- UR Browser
- BitBrowser
- More
- Libre Office
- PhotoPea
- More
- Photo editor
- Learn to Type Faster
- Convert files
- Merge PDF Files
- More
Click here to see a digital answer
The average hourly rate for web designers is $15–$30 per hour. Freelance web developers’ average salary is also in the same range. However, this can be higher if you offer development and web design services. The minimum hourly rate for freelancers offering both services is about $50 an hour, depending on their experience and how well they are known.
Here is an example of introduction you can use to present your business? Click here
Here is an example of questions to ask.
- Business Name
- My experience is from
- How many people have used this service/product (Estimated)?
- What year did you start this business?
- What year did you come up with this IDEA?
- Why should people choose your product/service over others?
- Why did you start this business?
- What else should we know about your service/business?
- What do people say about your products/services?
- How did you come up with your business name?
- Do you have a public office or store for visitors?
- Do you own a domain address?
- What business profiles do you have?
- Do you have a phone number you’d like to add to the website?