The Reasons

Recruitment process

Interviews are important in the recruitment process because they allow HR professionals to speak with various candidates and determine who is the best match for their company’s needs. Additionally, interviews help identify potential employees who align with the organization’s goals and values.

Evaluate a candidate’s work experience

During an interview, you can evaluate a candidate’s qualifications, work experience, and industry knowledge by asking specific questions. Their responses can show which candidates best match your company’s goals. Understanding a candidate’s skills and experience can also help determine if additional training will be needed after hiring.

Introducing the company

During an interview, it is beneficial to introduce candidates to the leaders of your organization. This can assist in evaluating their ability to build relationships within the company and determine their fit with the company’s culture.

Hard and soft skills

Interviewing a candidate can help determine their abilities in both hard and soft skills. When evaluating soft skills, ask about communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. For positions that require technical skills, include a test to assess their ability to perform specific tasks, such as utilizing software editors.

Interviewing a candidate can help determine their abilities in both hard and soft skills. When evaluating soft skills, ask about communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. For positions that require technical skills, include a test to assess their ability to perform specific tasks, such as utilizing software editors.

Qualified candidates

Interviews help you understand a candidate’s experience, skills, and professional background, which can assist in selecting the most qualified individuals for the job. This process helps in choosing the right candidates to proceed in the hiring process and speeds up recruitment by quickly filling important positions in a company.


During an interview, you can explain the necessary tasks for a position and what the company expects from the role. This will help candidates inquire about more information regarding a role to decide if it’s suitable for them. Some details you could provide to describe a role are:

  • Typical work schedule
  • Duties and responsibilities
  • Example of daily life in the position
  • The leader to which they would report
  • Types of candidate interviews

Types of interviews

Phone interviews

Effectively assess if a candidate is suitable for the company.

Individual interview

Interviews help you understand a candidate’s personality, skills, qualifications, and experience. This method can help you determine how well a candidate aligns with your organization’s goals.

Group interview

This interview method is helpful when you have several candidates for a job. It helps to pinpoint the most qualified candidates and determines who to invite for an individual interview.


Interact face-to-face without being in the same location. This type of interview is used when candidates are in different places or for initial assessments. It is great for assessing visual cues and non-verbal communication, making it suitable for roles that require strong interpersonal skills, presentations, or remote work. This format combines personal interaction with technological convenience.

Stress interview

Interviews measure how well a candidate responds to stressful situations and unexpected challenges.

Informal Interview

Helps job interviewers evaluate a candidate’s personality and cultural fit through a casual conversation. Typically, it occurs in a laid-back environment like a coffee shop and involves a relaxed, unstructured discussion.

Structured Interview

A set format where all candidates are asked identical questions in a specific order, making it possible to objectively evaluate their answers.

Unstructured Interview

A flexible and conversational way of interviewing, often without a set list of questions. This approach helps to gain a deep understanding of a candidate’s thinking, creativity, and ability to solve problems.

Semi-Structured Interview

A mixture of structured and unstructured interviews. It involves a set of pre-determined questions but also provides room for a more flexible discussion. This type of interview allows interviewers to assess a candidate’s skills and cultural fit while also exploring their unique perspectives. It is suitable for roles that require a combination of specific skills and creativity, or when the interviewer wants to assess both standardized and personalized responses at the same time.

Group Interview

Interviewing multiple candidates at the same time. These interviews help determine candidates’ interpersonal skills, ability to work in a team, and leadership potential. They are beneficial for positions involving collaboration or when there are many job openings and many applicants. Furthermore, they provide information on how candidates interact in group situations.

Panel Interview

A candidate being interviewed by a group of interviewers, typically from the organization. This format allows for different viewpoints on the candidate’s suitability for the role. Panel interviews are beneficial for roles that require collaboration with various departments or for senior positions, as they allow different stakeholders to evaluate the candidate’s compatibility within the organization.

Informational Interview

A meeting where someone looking for a job gathers advice and information about an industry, profession, or company instead of looking for a job. It’s a way to learn about career options and trends from professionals in the industry and a way to connect with others in the field. These interviews are helpful for people starting their job search or thinking about changing careers, as they offer practical advice and guidance.

Off-Site Interview

An off-site interview happens at a location away from the company’s office, such as a restaurant or hotel. This setting creates a more relaxed environment, making it easier to evaluate the candidate’s personality in addition to their job skills. It is especially beneficial for roles that need good people skills or when testing how well a candidate deals with new situations.

Case Interview

Evaluates candidates using a business problem, challenge, or scenario to assess their problem-solving, strategic, and analytical skills. It is a valuable tool for roles that require strategic thinking and creativity, such as consulting or managerial positions. This format assesses the candidate’s ability to analyze complex information and come up with practical solutions quickly.

Career Fair Interview

A short, usually casual, discussion between recruiters and potential candidates at a job or career fair. This format allows recruiters to talk to many candidates, assess their first impressions, and find potential matches for different positions.

It is an efficient method for large-scale recruitment or when trying to fill entry-level positions, providing a fast way to evaluate a diverse group of candidates.

Mock Interview

Help job seekers practice and prepare for real job interviews. They are led by career advisors or experts and provide feedback and advice. These sessions are beneficial for those new to the job market, changing careers, or looking to improve their interview skills

On-the-Spot Interview

Commonly referred to as an on-the-spot interview, usually happens immediately after a first meeting or at a job fair. This kind of interview helps employers assess a candidate’s ability to think quickly and adapt, which is useful for positions that require these skills or during big recruitment events.

Behavioral Interview

Candidates talk about things they’ve done in the past and how they dealt with certain situations. This is because what someone has done before can give a good idea of how they will perform in the future. Questions usually ask for examples from real life to show off their skills and abilities.

This type of interview is crucial for hiring people who need to solve problems, make decisions, and work well in a team. It helps to really understand a candidate’s strengths and whether they are a good fit for the job.

Exit Interview

The employee who is leaving the company is asked about their experiences, why they are leaving, and any suggestions for improvements.

This is a valuable chance for organizations to understand the workplace better, spot any problems, and improve strategies to keep employees. Make sure to conduct an exit interview every time an employee leaves to make the transition smoother and increase overall employee satisfaction.

Lunch Interview

A lunch interview usually occurs in a restaurant, giving the interviewer an opportunity to evaluate the candidate’s social skills, manners, and overall behavior in a more casual environment.

This kind of interview is ideal for roles with regular client contact or for determining how well a candidate fits in with the company’s culture, providing a thorough assessment that looks beyond just technical skills.

Q.01 “What makes you a good fit for this role?”

Other ways question can be asked:

  • “Why did you apply for this role?”
  • “Why should I hire you?”
  • “What motivates your interest in this position? “


In order to answer it properly, make sure to have a set answer in mind. Be sure to state at least three topics when responding to it. It should include:

  • Talk and explain about your soft skills and how they apply to the role you want to pursue.
  • Talk and explain your hard skills and their connection to the position.
  • The correlation between your values and the company’s.

Answer 1: Experience

“I believe you should hire me because I already have the right skills, qualities, and drive to match the job description. You should hire me because I am a very quick learner. I will make sure I fit into your team and start achieving goals straight away.”

Answer 2: your first job: short answer

“I am new in this field, and I am eager to explore my potential and contribute to the team. My dedication to my career in this field, as well as my willingness to learn and explore my skills, have made me a valuable asset in college. I am excited to start my career and look forward to contributing to the company’s success.”

Answer 3: Your first job: long answer

“As I have just started my career in data science, I don’t have many practical achievements to talk about. This gives me the liberty to explore my potential by giving my best to this organization. I am confident that I can make significant contributions to the team and help achieve the company’s goals.

I have always been dedicated to my academics and data science projects, and I always complete them well in time. In college, I was appreciated for my dedication and hard work. I am confident that I can bring the same level of dedication and commitment to this organization. I am also willing to learn new things and explore my potential. I believe that I have the skills and abilities to be a successful data scientist.

I am excited to start my career in data science, and I am confident that I will be a valuable asset to this organization. I am looking forward to working with you and contributing to the success of the company. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Q.02 “What are the essential skills needed to work in this hospital?”


“Workers require leadership, organizational skills, effective communication, confidence, resilience, and determination to manage challenging situations. They must also possess knowledge and experience to deliver positive patient outcomes and support change to improve this hospital and its services.”

Q.03 “What is your current salary?”


My current salary is $45,000. However, in my next job, I am seeking an increase on that salary and believe my skills, experience, knowledge and passion for self-improvement will ensure I give my employer a fantastic return on their investment.

Q.04 “What have you done to prepare for this interview?”


“I have done three things to prepare for this interview. I studied the job description to make sure I had the skills and knowledge to meet the role’s demands. I researched your company to find out what you do, the products and services you sell, and your future plans to ensure this was a place I wanted to work long-term.”

Extra (Optional)

And finally, I spoke to several people who have previously worked for your company to learn more about your culture and how you support your employees to help them reach their full potential.

Q.05 “What keeps you motivated?”


“I am motivated by three things; I am motivated by doing a great job for my employer, which allows me to earn a good salary in the future; I am motivated by keeping fit and healthy, which keeps my concentration at work at top performance; and I am motivated by continuous improvement, which makes me important to the company.”

Q.06 “What is your greatest strength?”


“My strengths include the fact that I am commercially alert. This means the work I do for you will always be efficient and effective. Other strengths include my collaborative approach to working. I strongly believe that a team can achieve brilliant things when they are all focused on the same goal. Finally, perhaps my greatest strength is my loyalty and trustworthiness, which means I will be committed to the business for many years to come.”

Q.07 “If I hire you, when can you start?”

Here are alternative ways the question could be phrased

“when can you start?”

“How soon can you start?”

“When will you be available to start?”

Answer 1:

“I can start working with your company as soon as I serve my notice with my current employer, My service period is two weeks; if you need me to start earlier, I can ask my current employer to allow me to leave earlier or temporarily adjust my schedule to fit yours.”

Answer 2:

“I am eager to join your team. I intend to provide a two-week notice for a seamless transition and look forward to joining the team here afterwards.”

Q.08 “Describe yourself in three words?”


“I describe myself as industrious, diligent, and trustworthy. I am industrious because I am hardworking; I will take responsibility for everything within my limits; I am diligent because I quickly and accurately get the work done; I am trustworthy because I am reliable without the need for much supervision; and I always act professionally.”

More word choices:


  • If you are industrious, you work hard, you find things to do when it is quiet, and you strive to continuously improve.


  • A diligent worker is someone who has strong attention to detail skills, someone who can be left alone to do a good job on time and to the right standard, and someone who takes pride in their work!


  • self-motivated. All employers want to take on self-motivated people. If you are self-motivated, you don’t need to be told what to do; you need very little motivation, and you are always enthusiastic about your work.


  • People often bring a buzz to the working environment. They are generally positive people who achieve more than the average person! Energetic employees often make great salespeople, and they are driven to achieve difficult targets.


  • Every team needs resilient people. If you are resilient, you don’t get stressed when under pressure, you are good at solving difficult problems, and you don’t give up until you have achieved your objective.


  • If you are personable, you are good to be around; customers or clients will be drawn to you; and Play (k) will always go above and beyond what is required in the workplace.


  • Loyalty is rare in the working environment, but it is one of the most important traits hiring managers look for in new employees. If you are loyal, you will stay working at the company for many years, you will be a good role model when dealing with customers and clients, and you will always speak positively about the organization you work for.


  • Data-driven people are great in technical roles. If there is a requirement in the job you are applying for to use numbers or analyze data to come up with solutions, then you might choose the word data-driven when describing yourself.


  • Co-operative people are the type of employees who will support the company when changes are needed. They will also look out for their co-workers, help train up newer members of staff as and when they join the company, and they will carry out duties outside of their job description.


  • If you are a high achiever and have a track record of success in previous roles, you might just be the type of person the interviewer is looking for. High-achievers always have goals they are working towards, and they often take responsibility for their own professional development.


  • People always have a plan for how they are going to achieve their objectives. Results-driven people don’t sit back; they are go-getters, and they are the type of employees a business relies on for continued success.


  • If you are resourceful, you take care of company supplies and resources, you are not wasteful, and you quickly come up with solutions to problems and issues as and when they arise at work.

Q.09 “Please introduce yourself?”

Note: Do not confuse this question with:

  • “Please tell me about yourself?”

Keep in mind this question is about:

  • About your past
  • What you are currently working on
  • Your future plans


“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed for this position.

I have studied the job description, and I am confident I am suitable for this job. I am a fast learner with problem-solving skills and can manage large workloads. I am absolutely committed to learning what is needed to improve my skills according to your company’s needs. If you hire me, I am confident you will see a positive return on your company investment.”

Q.10 “Please tell me about yourself?”

Here are alternative ways the question could be phrased

  • “Walk me through your resume.”

Note: Do not confuse this question with:

  • “Please introduce yourself?”

Keep in mind this question is about:

Education experience

  • Achievements
  • Type of person you are or stand for


“My skills align with the job requirements. I am prompt, flexible, effective, and a cooperative team member who puts the team’s needs first and leads in challenging circumstances.

My education is a good fit, reflecting my enthusiasm. With diverse experience, I adjust rapidly. I have contributed to time-sensitive projects in both small and large teams, contributing to successful launches and increased sales.

I excel in my work, receiving praise and acknowledgment for my abilities and adaptability. I take initiative, offer assistance, and am committed to advancing in my career, adding value to your company.”

Q.11 “What is your biggest weakness?”

Answer 1: Short answer

“Public speaking makes me nervous. While I don’t need to do much in my position, I still feel that it’s an important skill, especially when I want to offer my opinion during a meeting. To combat this, my teacher allows me to read in front of my classmates to overcome my fear.”

Answer 2: Long answer

“Public speaking makes me nervous. While I don’t need to do much public speaking in my role as a web designer, I still feel that it’s an important skill, especially when I want to offer my opinion during a meeting. To combat this, I spoke with my manager, and she recommended I speak at each team meeting for a few minutes about our project timeline, deadlines, and goals when developing a website for a client. This practice has enabled me to relax and see public speaking as an opportunity to help my team members do their jobs effectively.”

Examples of weaknesses:

  1. Lack of Patience
  2. Lack of Organization
  3. Trouble with Delegation
  4. Timidity
  5. Lack of Tactfulness
  6. Fear of Public Speaking
  7. Weak Data Analysis Skills
  8. Indecisiveness
  9. Harsh Self-Criticism
  10. Micromanaging
  11. Talkative
  12. Trouble with Work-Life Balance

Q.12 “Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?”


“Within five years, I would like to become the very best employee your company has on staff. I want to work toward becoming the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I’ll be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in the long term.”

Q.13 “What do you know about our company?”

Read about the company before the interview:

  • Year business started
  • Locations they serve
  • Industry
  • How many location the business have/owns
  • The name of the CEO if any
  • The name of the Manager if possible
  • What are they best known for


“From what I’ve seen, your business started in 1998, and you provide IT services in the Boston area. You also have a blog featuring content about the future of technology. Also, I am interested in finding out if you have room for someone who wants to grow in the company and is willing to learn, such as myself.”

Q.14 “Could you describe your perfect manager?”

Keep the answer short:

  • Do not over do it
  • Keep it professional


“I would appreciate working with a manager whom I can talk to and share my ideas with. I also value when my manager gives me feedback on my work so that I can improve and grow as an employee.”

Q.15 “What is your expected salary for this role?”


“I researched the salary range for this position and industry before applying for the job. The salary range is between $24,000 and $45,000. Based on my knowledge and expertise, I would be comfortable with a salary of $31,000.

Note: If you are new, you will say $24,000; if you have work experience, you will say $31,000; and if you have 10+ years of experience, you will ask for $45,000.”

Q.16 “What didn’t you like about your last job?”

No negative comments


“There wasn’t much I disliked about my last job. They were very supportive, and they were all hard-working. However, I like to grow and adjust to new ideas that help the business grow in this fast-changing world.”

Q.17 “Why should we hire you?”

Note: Do not confuse this question with:

  • “What can you bring to the company?”

Answer: General

“I believe you should hire me because I already have the right skills, qualities, and drive to match the job description. You should hire me because I am a very quick learner. I will make sure I fit into your team and start achieving goals straight away.”

Answer: Manager

“I believe my skill set, expertise, and knowledge of the industry qualify me for this role. First, my time as a manager has helped me develop excellent leadership and teamwork skills. In my previous role, I oversaw the activities of a 10-person sales team, and we recorded the highest sales numbers in our company’s history. Additionally, I possess excellent communication and sales skills, owing to my experience as a sales representative. Lastly, I’m committed to continuous learning to improve my skills and knowledge.”

Answer: Executive assistance

“I possess an incredible work ethic, which earned me a bonus for finishing an important task three days ahead of the deadline. Additionally, my excellent technical skills allow me to create, sort easily, and retrieve executive documents. Finally, I have excellent communication skills, meaning I’m able to follow detailed instructions and effectively represent a company executive where they’re absent.”

Answer: Computer programmer

“I believe my extensive knowledge of computer software and programming languages makes me a great fit for this job. I have proficient knowledge of SQL, Python, Javascript, and C++. Additionally, my teamwork and communication skills mean I can collaborate effectively with the IT team to achieve tasks. Also, I’m committed to continuous learning and staying up-to-date.”

Answer: Lawyer

“I have over five years of experience in corporate legal practice, including leading two mergers valued at above $3,000,000. My excellent legal research and drafting skills make me a valuable addition to your legal team. Additionally, I’m an effective communicator and a dedicated team player, which can help me collaborate effectively with my colleagues.”

Answer: Nurse

“As a fully licensed nurse, I have practical experience performing a range of medical procedures. This includes drug administration, surgery preparation, and emergency care. My outstanding clerical and administrative skills make me well-suited for overseeing the organization of hospital files. Additionally, I have great interpersonal skills, which help me relate cordially with patients.”

Q.18 “How did you hear about this position?”

Answer 1: Mutual Connection

“I learned about the opportunity from a mutual connection, being a long-time admirer of your work in this company, I believe that this role would be an excellent fit for me.”

Answer 2: Blog

“I discovered the opportunity on your website as I regularly read your blogs and have long admired your work at this company. I feel that this position would be a perfect match for me.”

Q.19 “What can you bring to the company?”

Answer 1: Sales, General, Manager

“I would bring my skills, abilities, and passion to the industry and your organization. I have been impressed by your track record in this sector, and I am aligned with your mission to enhance your business. I have demonstrated this passion and my ability to innovate by addressing previous company needs, which helped reduce costs while enhancing services and increasing profitability.”

Answer 2: Science

“I would bring all my skills, abilities, and passion for the industry and your organization. For instance, I have been impressed by your track record in innovating clean energy, and I align with your goal of creating a more sustainable world. I believe I have showcased this passion and my innovation abilities through a project where I developed a mini electric car that secured 3rd place in a fuel-free car competition. I am keen on expanding this skill set further with you and contributing actively to your mission.”

Q.20 “Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills.”


“I believe a great leader is someone who can make decisions while valuing input, admitting mistakes, and adjusting course. In my previous role, my team and I had to deliver a crucial presentation to a potential client. Initially, I delegated tasks, but progress stalled. After encouraging feedback and concerns from team members, I reassigned roles. Despite initial nervousness, the chosen presenter was supported through practice sessions, leading to a successful presentation. This resulted in securing the client, maintaining the account, and empowering the presenter in future client interactions. Listening and adapting improved our team’s performance significantly.”

Q.21 “Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.”


“While updating the system with new software some time ago, the seniors hesitated due to fear of change, concerned about understanding the new data handling methods. We simplified the process through training, assuring them it would reduce their workload. Initially, we introduced one computer, allowing them to take turns daily as users until they felt at ease, gradually providing each with the new update individually.”

Q.22 “What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?”


“As a finance assistant, my main task was to create reports for potential company investments. Providing accurate details and numbers was crucial for offering leaders the best decision-making information. Once, my boss asked for a new report on a Wednesday morning, with a deadline of Thursday at 3 PM. Committed to delivering quality work and recognizing the need for clarity, I shared my concerns with her. Despite her insistence on the deadline, I proactively asked for help. Eventually, another assistant helped, and we met the tight deadline. The committee was happy with the report during the meeting. My boss recognized my hard work and dedication to upholding quality standards. This experience highlighted the significance of teamwork and clear communication in seeking assistance when necessary. By explaining the effort required for each report, my boss became more considerate when assigning tasks with sufficient time.”

Q.23“Are you willing to relocate?”


“I enjoy living in Boston and would like to remain here. Nevertheless, I am open to relocating for the right opportunity.”

Q.24 “How Would You Improve Our Company?”

Note: Keep in mind

  • Start With a Compliment
  • Give Some Background
  • Offer Explanation
  • End With a Question to break the ice


“I believe your company is top-notch, but there is always room for improvement. I would start by focusing on the colleagues, gathering data on any recurring consumer concerns, and listening to the colleagues feedback. I would collaborate with colleagues to enhance the service or product, which would help identify gaps in the business and potentially increase sales. Does your company engage in similar practices?”

Q.25 “How do you stay organized?”


“I take pride in my organizational skills, which were vital in my past positions and remain essential in my current role. I manage calendars, utilize top-notch software, and maintain personal and team task boards and campaigns to ensure swift communication with clients. I organize my digital folder for each campaign with objectives, strategy documents, assets, posts, performance data, and evaluations. This helps us use past insights for current tasks.”

Q.26 “How do you prioritize your work?”


“At the beginning of each workday, I list tasks based on their importance to maintain focus. I make sure to update my team if a task requires more time. When feeling overwhelmed, I discuss with my boss reorganizing priorities and changing deadlines.”

Q.27 “Do you have any pet peeves?”

Alternative ways the question could be phrased:

  • “What are your pet peeves?”

Keep in mind:

  • Remain honest
  • Explain your reasoning
  • Keep it short
  • Describe your strategy for managing the situation

Answer 1:

“It bothers me when an office is disorganized because it can cause confusion and hurt the team’s motivation. I like things to be orderly, so I try to help keep my team on task while also allowing for flexibility.”

Answer 2:

“It can be frustrating when peers display negative attitudes. I prefer to maintain a positive mindset and generally have an optimistic outlook on my work. Therefore, it can be disheartening to hear colleagues speak negatively about their work or the workplace. To address this, I sometimes respond to their negativity with positivity to shift the conversation towards more uplifting topics.”

Q.28 “Are you willing to travel?”

Keep in mind:

  • Try not to complain about travel or focus too much on past hardships when you’re at airports or hotels.
  • Do not talk about enjoying sightseeing or taking vacations while on business trips.
  • Do not ask or talk about bringing your spouse or children on work trips.
  • Try not to provide detailed information about your family or personal obligations.
  • Do not provide a specific maximum percentage for preferred travel.
  • Avoid asking about travel reimbursement or travel policies at the moment.

Answer 1:

“Yes, I am willing to travel. In the past, work trips have allowed me to participate in important conferences and training sessions that have expanded my knowledge in the industry. I am dedicated to being a valuable asset to the company I work for, and if traveling is needed for the company’s success, I am excited about the chance to travel.”

Answer 2:

“I am very interested in traveling. I have been searching for a job that involves traveling as part of my duties because I believe it helps me gain a better understanding of different aspects of a company’s customer base. Traveling not only enhances my knowledge but also allows me to grow my professional network.”

Q.29 What is your leadership style?

Alternative ways the question could be phrased:

  • What are some of your leadership experience?

Answer 1:

“Leadership involves working together and motivating others to do well. I aim to be clear by assigning tasks, leading by example, and demonstrating appreciation for my team.”

Leadership styles;

  • Autocratic; communicate clearly and consistently,
  • Bureaucratic; detail-oriented and task-focused
  • Coaching; offer guidance instead of giving commands
  • Democratic; value group discussions
  • Laissez; delegating many tasks providing no supervision to well trained staff
  • Pacesetter; set high standards and hold their team members accountable for achieving their goals.
  • Servant; Placing team members first to increase their motivation
  • Visionary; ability to drive progress

Q.30 “Why do you want this job?”

Answer 1: General

“I greatly admire your company and its products. I have spent many hours researching the history and future of the business. The focus on customer satisfaction is fascinating and always catches my attention. I have been following your company on social media for a while and I am consistently impressed by how well you interact with your audience. Discovering the opportunity to work with your company was exciting for me. In my previous role, I developed strong relationships with customers, and I am keen to achieve similar success here.”

Answer 1: Games

“I have always been a fan of your company’s products and have spent many hours playing your games. I am attracted to the unique stories in your games, which initially drew me and other fans in and continues to make us want to come back for more. I have been following your company on social media for some time now and have admired how different departments interact with users. Therefore, I was very excited when I saw the posting for a social media manager position with your company. In my previous job, I successfully launched a social media account and was able to grow it to 10,000 followers in six months. With my experience, passion for gaming, and in-depth knowledge of your games and fanbase, I am confident that I can make your company’s social media accounts something truly special and exciting.”

Q.31 “Sell Me This Pen?”

Keep in mind:

  • Be Confident
  • Highlight a Need
  • Emphasize the Features
  • list the Benefits


Buyer: “I need a car.”  Seller “Why do you need a new car?”  Buyer: “My car uses a lot of gas and I am looking for something that has better fuel efficiency.”  Seller: “Why do you want to improve your fuel efficiency?”  Buyer: “I’m tired of spending a lot of money to fill up my SUV. I want to save money.  Seller “Why is saving money important to you?”  Buyer: “I’m saving up to purchase a house.”  Seller: “I understand that you are looking for a car that can help you save money in the long term so that you can afford to buy a home. Is that correct?”  Buyer: “Yes, exactly.”  Seller “excellent, I’m in the business of selling electric cars. I’d love to get you started on your dream as a homeowner. Do you prefer cash or credit?”

Follow-up email

Dear Jade,

Thank you for talking about the job position with me. It was nice to meet you and learn more about the role. I am excited about the opportunity to join your company, especially interested in the details you shared about the company.

I am excited to have the chance to help your company and use my skills to improve your organization. After our discussion, I am confident that my experience, background, and commitment to supporting your company’s growth will result in a successful future. Please contact me if you need more information. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks again,

SJ Notebook

Things not to say in an interview

Do not say at the start of your interview that you are nervous.

Interview candidates often feel the need to apologize and express their nervousness to the hiring manager in an attempt to make the interview process easier for themselves. It simply shows a lack of confidence and self-belief. The hiring manager expects nervousness, so avoid bringing it up.

Never express negative opinions about previous employers or co-workers during your interview.

When you’re asked why you want to leave your current job, it’s best to steer clear of negativity. Speaking negatively about current or past employers, managers, or colleagues can damage your professional reputation and make others question your ability to work well in a team.

Do not mention personal problems or issues you have outside of work.

While it’s important to be honest in a job interview, sharing too much personal information, especially if it’s not related to the job, can make you seem unprofessional or like you don’t have boundaries. Focus on how you can help the company in the role instead of talking about personal matters.

Refrain from mentioning holiday or vacation plans during the interview.

At the end of your job interview, the hiring manager is going to give you the opportunity to ask some questions of your own. If you have a vacation booked in the next few, do not mention it until after you are hired for the job. it might suggest to the hiring manager that you are thinking about taking time off before you even begin the job. It’s better to wait until you have a job offer before asking about time off.

Do not talk about salary too early or at all if possible

Many job candidates make a common error during interviews by asking about salary expectations too early. This can give the impression that they are more focused on pay than on how they can contribute to the company. It is better to wait for the hiring manager to ask about salary expectations before discussing pay.

Never reveal in an interview your lack of experience in specific areas.

Do not bring up your lack of experience during the interview. The company is interested in hiring you and has already looked at your resume, so they must be okay with any gaps in experience you may have. Focus on your strengths and how you can help the company succeed when answering questions.

Virtual Interview

A virtual interview is done online, so you do not have to meet the hiring manager in person. Employers like virtual interviews because they save time and make it easy to end the interview if the candidate is not a good fit. Before your virtual interview, here is some important tips for a successful outcome.

  • Plenty of light
  • Minimal background noise
  • Less clutter, fewer items, the better
  • Best suit you have
  • Avoid moving your hands while speaking.
  • There should be no one near you
  • Strong Wi-Fi – if possible; direct wire
  • Test speaker
  • Close all other programs
  • Battery remains fully charged even when using plug-in power.
  • Use an external microphone instead of the internal microphone
  • Nod a few times every few minutes to show the interviewer you are listening.

Most used platforms for virtual meetings

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Skype
  • HireVue

Welcome to the interview. Please start by introducing yourself.


“Thank you for providing me with this opportunity. My name is Jade, and I am a great match for the job description. I am passionate about this field and have strong communication, teamwork, and organizational skills. I can be trusted to deliver excellent work that assists my employer in achieving their objectives.

After finishing college with high grades in relevant subjects, I have worked in different positions where I improved my skills in working with teams, managing projects, and solving problems. Some of my notable accomplishments include introducing a new product, increasing sales with outstanding service, and guiding new team members. My goal is to set a good example, motivate coworkers, and provide creative ideas to help the company become a leader in the market.”

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